Unlike a lot of other plans out there, we don’t develop a plan for you and then send you on your way.
Along your weight loss journey your highly skilled team meets with you (usually on a monthly basis) checking in, coaching, mentoring and challenging you to keep you on track to your health & weight loss goals. Sometimes adjustments are needed along the way, to ensure that you are reaching your weight loss goal & healing your body naturally. We do all of this to ensure you are ultimately keeping the weight off so that your custom Weight Loss plan becomes not just a diet, but a health transformation.
We provide continuous support through your weight loss journey with REAL people cheering your successes,
walking you through the tough spots and helping you along the entire journey.
If you’re committed to losing weight, having a partner helps you stay motivated.
The programs we offer at Functional Health & Weight Loss do not involve crazy dieting fads or stressful exercise.
What we offer is a fast and safe method that is also healthy and sustainable.
The information provided on this website, by Functional Health & Weight Loss of Lake Nona, is for general use only. Any statement or recommendations on this website does not take the place of medical advice nor is meant to replace the guidance of your licensed healthcare practitioner. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Functional Health & Weight Loss of Lake Nona information is and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. Decisions to use supplements to support your specific needs should be considered in partnership with your licensed healthcare practitioner.